My Editorial Style
There’s a lot of potentially confusing semantics involved in types of editing (e.g., developmental, content, line editing etc.) but how I prefer to work is an “all-in” editorial approach, meaning that I read the work for both “big picture” and line-by-line sense, flow, and industry standard format. This may include tightening, cutting, reorganizing or restructuring as needed, and noting queries for clarity or places to fill in gaps or “punch up” (aka, improve) sections/chapter closers etc. to best keep readers flipping the pages.
As much as possible, I aim to do much of the heavy lifting, so when the line-edited manuscript is returned to the client, the revision work is clear and manageable (and the book looks and feels much closer to publication or ready for agent review). It comes down to gut and instinct on my end, while respecting it’s ultimately YOUR book.
Of course every project is different. Some clients benefit from complete help; others just have specific needs. As such, I thoughtfully take into consideration where you are in the process—and your ultimate goal—to best evaluate how I might be able to assist. A wide scope of potential opportunities are detailed below. If there’s something different you need—or a hybrid—let’s talk.
Editorial Services
The Complete Package (Comprehensive Edit)
My “Complete Package” service includes one round of a thorough line-edit using Track Changes, an accompanying 5+ page editorial memo (in addition to inserted comments in the manuscript itself), and the opportunity to ask any follow-up questions in a one-hour phone or Skype call.
The Advanced Package (Comprehensive Edit+)
The “Advanced Package” includes all of the above plus a week of email correspondence as author revises their work, followed by a “second pass” review of the revised manuscript, providing an additional line edit and margin comments as needed (with a short memo of overall thoughts).
Manuscript Critique
A Manuscript Critique is an overall editorial assessment for both nonfiction or fiction works, encompassing a thoughtful read of the entire manuscript, followed by a 5+ page editorial report of concise feedback concerning elements such as marketability, plot, characterization, structure, consistency, and style. It can help identify the work’s strengths and weaknesses and offer invaluable feedback to inspire and execute any revision needed to best grab and hold readers’ interest.
Query Letter Review
Succinctly pitching a work via an irresistible query letter is often the hardest challenge. And a weak or misguided query letter can set you up for banishment to an agent’s “slush pile.” A Query Letter Review can help foster the confidence and clarity to effectively distill the heart and "hook" of a project and show you how to pitch your project like a pro. We’ll fine-tune what to—and not to—include to stand out (in a good way).
NOTE: A query letter review cannot guarantee agent responses or representation from a literary agent, but in a highly competitive environment, the advice of an experienced professional editor can be invaluable.
Nonfiction Book Proposal Development
Ultimately, your manuscript is going to be what captivates an agent/publisher, but first we must get them excited to dig in and realize its potential. Nonfiction Book Proposal Development can mean many different things, depending on whether there’s an existing proposal to review or we’re starting from “walk me through this” scratch.
Assuming a proposal's rough draft is ready, I'll review and edit it. I'll help make it “clean,” tight, and engaging. It's similar yet different from editing a manuscript because while shorter in page count, the details matter (even more). Wearing my acquiring editor hat, I’ll aim to make your nonfiction proposal irresistible (while offering honest feedback), to help give an agent or editor what they need to best champion the work. This includes the critical Overview, fine-tuning the chapter breakdowns, making a case for the Market, and knowing what is and isn't eye-catching in a bio or marketing strategy. Depending on mutually agreed terms, I can also survey the related manuscript to make suggestions on which 2-3 chapters would be ideal to include as samples and/or review any proposal revision, exchange emails during the revision process, and schedule a follow-up phone or video call if useful. Need to be talked off the ledge? I've got you.
Cover Copy Writing
Make the best first impression. You've worked long and hard perfecting your craft, but a cryptic (or super snoozy) title or the wrong start or tone in cover copy description can unnecessarily set you up for failure. There's no denying the power of first impressions. Let's be sure yours is nothing less than "Wow. I'm intrigued."
Self-Publishing Sherpa
Traditional publishing is not the only path to getting your work into the hands of readers. The option of being your own publisher is increasingly viable in today’s marketplace. But to help level the playing field, the same level of quality, care, and expert attention for your work is warranted. Because even if it’s possible to simply upload and hit “PUBLISH,” you’ll likely be doing yourself a disservice, limiting its professionalism and potential.
For a select number of clients, I can be brought on to captain the oft-confusing and detail-oriented process from edited manuscript to finished paperback in your proud hands. The hands-on process includes: introducing you to (or helping to find) an expert freelance cover designer and copyeditor; overseeing the collective and interactive design process from mockups to finished file; initially reviewing the copyedited manuscript from start to finish to streamline the client’s task; formatting the book’s interior design and specs; helping to apply for copyright and ISBN #s; crafting compelling back cover book description; setting up your Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account--choosing BISAC (category) codes, suggesting keywords, pricing, figuring out (after explaining to you) the desirable distribution options, and ultimately uploading the necessary files needed to set up the ebook and POD (print-on-demand) paperback edition. Lastly, I'll help order proof copies for final review/proofreading/corrections before resubmitting any necessary files and going live with publication.
More details available upon request.
Personal Editorial Coaching
From "big picture" thoughts to helpful direction in the details, Personal Editorial Coaching is your honest and accessible editorial soundboard. Each 60-minute phone or video chat session is an opportunity to talk about your work and goals, improve your craft, build a brand, or explore whatever's most important to you. Publishing has its own preferences, often confusing terms, gatekeepers, and industry protocol. Let me help demystify the process. Sometimes a small nudge or insight can make a HUGE difference and offer clarity.
NY Book Editors "Editing Your Book" panel at Story Expo NY 2018